Tuesday, May 7, 2019

A Celebration of Humanity: What a Movie and a Video Game Have to Say about It

Source: digitalspy.com

Hey gang! I know it's been way too long, but I'm back! And I've got more ideas than ever, so get ready for more future posts! But now let's talk about how sometimes the simplest messages can be the most poignant.

I was thinking about this recently when I re-watched The Greatest Showman. Yes, I loved this movie, and I totally jumped on the wagon with everyone, and I don't regret it for a second! But something that struck me as interesting was The Greatest Showman's theme. Which was something the critics had the most problems with.

Source: imdb.com
The problem many critics had with the theme was that it wasn't anything new. In their mind, this is a message that's been said before, and probably said better in previous movies. And it's true; the idea of celebrating people of different shapes and sizes is nothing new. And the whole trope of Phineas Barnum losing sight of what's really important until he loses it all is so familiar, we could see it coming a mile away.

And yet, this movie still resonated with a lot of people. It was one of the highest grossing films and we had people singing along with the songs for ages after. It's one of those cases where the critics thought the movie was very meh, while the audiences loved it (kind of similar to in the movie too).

So why did this movie speak to so many people? I think it's because of the simple message. The idea that we shouldn't judge others simply based on appearances or circumstances is not a new message, but one that's been popping up a lot in recent media.