Wednesday, August 20, 2014

The Sequel Syndrome

Hey everyone!

It's been awhile, but I'm still alive. Before I start talking about my topic today, I have a couple things to say that you all should be aware of. I recently found out that someone posted links to porn websites in a comment in one of my posts. I've removed the comment, but I'd like to just warn all bloggers out there to be aware of activity on your blog. I've also changed the settings on my blog so now I can moderate all the comments that go on my blog. I suggest you should probably do the same thing so you avoid the problem I had. I don't know the commenter, and I'm not sure how she got my blog url, but I'm taking precautions to prevent it in the future. Seriously though, what is wrong with people? I'm pretty disgusted by the whole thing, ugh.

Anyway, on with the topic! This post is all about sequels. I was looking at the movies that have come out in the past ten years and I realized that a disturbing amount of them have been sequels and prequels. Most of you that know me know of my strong prejudice against sequels. I  can probably count on one hand the sequels I thought were good. So I thought I'd talk about sequels and my issue with them.

When I say sequels, I'm not talking about trilogies that were previously planned along with the first movie, such as Lord of the Rings Trilogy, and the Batman Trilogy, (though I have a few issues with that one, but we won't go there). I'm talking about sequels that weren't previously planned that come about as a result of the popularity of movies. I feel that these types of movies fall victim to what I call the Sequel Syndrome. Movies under the Sequel Syndrome tend to have the same problems which include lack of character development or even character regression, an unoriginal plot, and inferior effects and animation.