Friday, December 28, 2012

Oh, The Things You Learn at College . . .

I have another list! This is a list of the things I've learned since coming out to college at BYU. Some are BYU-related, while others apply to college in general.

15 Things I've learned while at BYU/College: 

1. The ground floor of buildings is almost never the 1st floor. It's usually the 2nd or 3rd.  
2. When it comes to roommates, privacy, peace, and quiet are all practically nonexistent. 
3. It's always good to know all of the computer labs and printing locations on campus.
4. Be prepared for all sorts of weather, be it rain, snow, or hail in one day. 
5. Caffeine is my friend, even though I can't get it on campus.  
6. Going to Sacrament Meeting in the same room that I had a science class in is both interesting and slightly disturbing.
7. Navigating the HFAC is like putting together a puzzle. An impossibly difficult puzzle that has pieces missing and other pieces that fit where they really shouldn't.
8. Understanding the HBLL system makes life (and writing papers) infinitely easier.
9. The Memorial Hall in the Wilkinson Center is the best place to take a nap.
10. No matter how many times I walk down Rape Hill at night, knowing that nothing will likely ever happen, I still get a bit nervous.
11. Having neighbors upstairs that are taking a clogging class is possibly the most annoying thing ever.
12. When in doubt, ice cream is always the answer.
13. Sometimes, the best motivator is last-minute panic.
14. Also, sometimes, the best times when inspiration comes is during the wee hours of the morning.
15.And no matter how mild or rough my week was, I'm always glad when it's Friday!!