Sorry it's been quite a while since my last post. I don't really have anything to report, so let's dive in!
Based on the title of the post, you can probably guess that I don't really like Jim Carrey. I mean, I'm fine with him as a person and even as an actor; I just don't love his acting style, particularly in his comedies.
Jim Carrey is famous for his over-the-top acting and exaggerated facial expressions, which he uses in a lot of the comedies he's in. And he's been pretty well-received. But for me personally, I found his comedy style to be not that funny and almost too weird. At least, when friends asked me why I didn't like him, that was my answer because it made sense, especially considering I do like his more serious roles.
But I thought about it and it didn't quite sit well with me. It wasn't that I didn't like zany or over-the-top, weird humor. I do like it. So why didn't I like Jim Carrey? If I like weird, crazy humor, then I should find him hilarious.