Thursday, April 24, 2014

The Surprising Value of Fanfiction

So this is something most of you probably don't know about me: in my downtime, I like to read fanfiction.

For those of you not familiar with the term, fanfiction is basically what its name describes: fiction written by fans based off of characters in a movie/book/TV show.

Now before you point fingers and laugh at me (or grab the pitchforks and torches, etc.), let me tell you something. I know that fanfiction has the stereotype of being badly written porn that fans use to fulfill their sexual fantasies with their favorite characters, and this is true for a lot, if not most fanfiction. However, not all fanfiction is bad. I've found some fantastic stories written by fans that explore different characters, or a creation of an alternate universe. There are some really good writers out there.

So here are several reasons why I like fanfiction.