Saturday, March 29, 2014

Bad or Good? My Thoughts on The New Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Movie

So as most of you have probably figured out, I'm a big fan of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle franchise. I loved the original comics, the 2003 show, and the 2012 show. I played with my brother's Ninja Turtle action figures as a kid, I have all three live-action movies and the CGI movie on DVD, and I have a fair amount of Ninja Turtle merchandise.

So you would think that I would be completely excited about the new movie that's coming out this year.

Well . . . that's what this blog post is about. I have some serious misgivings about the movie and also some hopes. So let's get started.

Reasons Why The New TMNT Movie Could Be Terrible

1. Michael Bay is Involved
I know that he directed Armageddon, but he's also been responsible for some pretty bad movies (cough cough Transformers), and the fact that he's involved in this project means that the movie could share the same fate as his other movies.

I just don't really like Michael Bay's style and he doesn't put a lot of thought into the characters or the story. For him, it's all about the special effects. So the fact that he's involved in a movie adaptation of my favorite TV show has me pretty edgy.

2. Megan Fox is April O'Neil
Some of you know that I can't stand Megan Fox. I honestly have never liked a movie that she was in. She doesn't strike me as a good actress and I feel that she's just there to be the sexy chick who appeals to the crowd that these types of movies attract. And the fact that she's supposed to be playing the first human that the turtles meet, a character with a lot of potential, really bugs me.

My worst fear is that the character April O'Neil will degenerate back into the useless character that's just there for sex appeal when I know that she can be so much more. And with Megan Fox playing her, that prospect seems so much more likely.