Sorry it's been a while since my last post. School and work more or less took over my life, but I finally finished a topic I've been working on for a while. Here we go!
I recently watched The Rescuers, mainly because I was bored and also because I do have a certain fondness for that movie. While I was watching, I noticed something I hadn't really thought about before, and that was the dynamic of Bernard and Bianca. This couple is seriously one of the greatest couples I've ever seen in the Disney franchise, and I can't believe no one else has really talked about this.
So that's what I want to talk about: why Bernard and Bianca make a fantastic couple.
First of all, what I like about these two mice is that from the moment they meet, there's an instant chemistry between them. Bernard is drawn to Bianca's class and sense of adventure and Bianca is drawn to Bernard's quirky but caring personality. The two just immediately connect on a certain level. It shows that from the beginning, there is a bond between the two that becomes solidified when they get to know each other better.

It's true that he's often afraid, but they're sound fears, like being nervous about going near a seemingly bottomless hole that's spitting out water, or flying on a bird that crash lands more than he lands. In a way, his "fears" are practical. Even though he's afraid of a lot of things, it doesn't stop him from doing what needs to be done.

Bianca is a very interesting female character because her appearance could easily put her in the "damsel in distress" category, but she's also not afraid to get her hands dirty to get the job done. Nothing much frightens Bianca and she's always up for an adventure, which makes her a fun character.
Something else I love about Bianca is that she doesn't just understand Bernard's idiosyncrasies: she loves them. From the moment that Bernard walked into the Rescue Aid Society meeting with a ladder and almost accidentally hit the chairman, Bianca was smiling at his antics. She laughs and smiles at Bernard's little quirks, his need to avoid the number 13, and his clumsiness. She recognizes that they are a part of Bernard, and she loves them just as much as she loves Bernard's caring and brave personality.
Looking at these two mice, you can see how they are opposites. Bernard is a more practical guy who would rather be at home, or taking the train instead of flying. Bianca is a fearless lady who loves the thrill of a free fall and adventure. So how do these two work so well? Well, they are different, but they do share some similarities. They're both brave. They're both devoted to the cause of helping people. And they know that they have to make some sacrifices to get the job done whether it be personal comfort, or risking their lives. These two don't really focus on their differences; they focus on their similarities and that's what makes them work.
But what sets this couple apart is that they're devoted to each other. Despite the fact that Bernard doesn't like heights or flying, he will still go because Bianca wishes to. And Bianca knows about Bernard's anxieties so she will do what she can to help Bernard to not worry so much.
These two are both very willing to risk their lives for each other. Bernard wouldn't think twice about jumping out a plane to save Bianca, and Bianca wouldn't hesitate to go up against a crocodile to save Bernard. This devotion makes their bond that much stronger, because they know that they will be there for each other.
The reason that Bernard is able to help Bianca is because he's so brave. Yes, he's nervous all the time and he's a bit of a scaredy cat (pardon the pun), but that's what makes him brave. Even though he's afraid, he doesn't hesitate to jump after Bianca when she falls from the plane/bird, or to stand up in a rocking boat to throw a rope to his drowning partner, or to go ahead first to make sure it's safe. His devotion to Bianca always trumps his fears, and he proves to be quite capable. He also gives up a lot of his comfort just to make Bianca happy and keep her safe.
Now, this doesn't make Bianca less capable. Like I said earlier, Bianca is very interesting in that she is a lady who likes to wear her nice clothes and perfume, but she isn't one to back down from a fight. This is the lady mouse who faced down a couple of crocodiles to save her partner.
Bianca also gives up a bit to help Bernard by letting him be the one to go first. Bianca understands Bernard's protective instinct, and while she can take care of herself just fine, she allows Bernard to watch over her and help her. Bianca could be the type of character that could get offended if a male mouse said for her to wait back while he checked to make sure it was safe, but she's not with Bernard. And it's because she understands Bernard's need to protect.

This makes these two a much more solid couple because they aren't fighting over who's the dominant one. They truly are equals in both their partnership and their relationship and they get that. Bianca relies on Bernard's practical paranoia to point out possible dangers and make a solid plan, while Bernard relies on Bianca's fearlessness and ingenuity to put the plan in action and to take them to new places. This is why I think they're the best couple in the Disney movies. They both bring their strengths and weaknesses to the table and they complement each other so well.
But overall, the biggest reason that this couple works so well is because each character is well-rounded and well-fleshed out. Neither of them cater to stereotypes or archetypes. They are fully developed characters with their own quirks and issues, which is why they're more believable as a couple.
So there you go. My favorite Disney couple is a pair of mice. Sounds about right, eh?
Until later, folks!
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