Sunday, June 17, 2012

Dissecting the Mind of an English Major.

Hello everybody! This is my first official post as a blogger! I never thought I would get  into this, but I've decided to use it for my opinions on literature and to show off any great writings I've done. I want to start off with a list. Yes, this is a little cliche, but I feel that it's appropriate.
First of all, here is a bit of information about me: I am an English major. Whenever I tell people this, I usually get one of three responses: A) "Oh, I'm so glad you're doing that and not me!" B) "What are you going to do with that?"  and C) "Why?" Believe it or not, I get the last question all the time, which made me think about some of the traits of English majors and our reasoning behind our love of English literature.  So, I decided to make a list of reasons why I'm an English major.  Now remember, this list isn't meant to generalize English Majors; this is just my own experience and my own personality as an English Major.

Ten reasons why I'm an English major. 
1. I get very edgy when someone is treating a book a little roughly.
2. I can sit for several hours and listen to people give presentations on papers... and not get bored.
3. I consider a book like Lord of the Flies to be a light read.
4. When I'm reading a book, one of my first thoughts may be, "I can write a paper on this!"
5. I will analyze movies and characters and start comparing them to other movies.
6. I would much rather write a final paper for a class than study for a test.
7. The majority of books on my summer reading lists are by authors who are dead and have been dead for at least a century.
8. I'm an incredibly fast reader, which means that I can get through thick books in an insanely short amount of time.
9.  I'd much rather argue about authors of the 19th century instead of current politics.
10. And yes, I do get annoyed when people use incorrect grammar.

So there you have it. I am an English major, and proud to be one! The rest of my posts will be short essays that I'll write, and occasionally I'll post a paper from class that I'm proud of. So enjoy reading my thoughts on literature, movies, and whatever I may be thinking at the time.


  1. Welcome to the worlds or blogingg. I likes it many much and are glad to see more posts later

  2. Fun post! Glad to have a chance to finally read your writing voice! I heartily agree with all your reasons, except number 2... Especially when the presenter has woven something insanely complicated together for reasoning and it is actually a fallacy/missing the point! I hope you have great writing fun ahead. xox
