Tuesday, May 7, 2019

A Celebration of Humanity: What a Movie and a Video Game Have to Say about It

Source: digitalspy.com

Hey gang! I know it's been way too long, but I'm back! And I've got more ideas than ever, so get ready for more future posts! But now let's talk about how sometimes the simplest messages can be the most poignant.

I was thinking about this recently when I re-watched The Greatest Showman. Yes, I loved this movie, and I totally jumped on the wagon with everyone, and I don't regret it for a second! But something that struck me as interesting was The Greatest Showman's theme. Which was something the critics had the most problems with.

Source: imdb.com
The problem many critics had with the theme was that it wasn't anything new. In their mind, this is a message that's been said before, and probably said better in previous movies. And it's true; the idea of celebrating people of different shapes and sizes is nothing new. And the whole trope of Phineas Barnum losing sight of what's really important until he loses it all is so familiar, we could see it coming a mile away.

And yet, this movie still resonated with a lot of people. It was one of the highest grossing films and we had people singing along with the songs for ages after. It's one of those cases where the critics thought the movie was very meh, while the audiences loved it (kind of similar to in the movie too).

So why did this movie speak to so many people? I think it's because of the simple message. The idea that we shouldn't judge others simply based on appearances or circumstances is not a new message, but one that's been popping up a lot in recent media.

Wednesday, September 20, 2017

10 Tips for a Comic Con First-Timer

Hey everyone!
Source: saltlakecomiccon.com

It's that time of year again, and you know what that means. That's right, it's Comic Con time in Salt Lake City, and I am very excited to go and have some wonderful nerdy fun with friends and family! 

With each year, Salt Lake Comic Con has been getting bigger and bigger, which also likely means that each year brings in a lot of newcomers to the Comic Con scene. It can be pretty overwhelming to a first-timer at Comic Con, so here are 10 tips I learned over the years that will make your experience even better. 

1. Register Early

Whether you have a pass for all three days or just one day, it's probably a good idea to register and get your wristbands early. The lines for registration can take forever, and if you're here for only one day, it's not a great way to spend your limited time. Here are the times for preregistration to get you an early start to the day. You can also register early on Thursday. 

If you bought your tickets early and have already received your wristbands, make sure to activate them before you go. Then you can just go right in!

Monday, August 21, 2017

Is Batman Mentally Ill? A Look at the Psyche of the Dark Knight

Source: collidier.com
Let's talk about Batman.

I know, I know, another post about Batman. Just bear with me.

I know many people ask why Batman doesn't just get over his parents' death and why he has to be so "emo" about it. It's probably been one of the reasons people may not like Batman as much, or at least it's one of the things they poke fun at. They feel he dwells on his past too much, that he's too depressing and dark. The biggest argument people have against Batman is they wonder why he doesn't just "get over it."

See, that's the whole issue: I don't think he can get over it.

Like physically, emotionally, mentally can't.

Tuesday, June 27, 2017

Wonder Woman: A Movie Everyone Should See

Hey everyone!

I know I'm pretty late in the game since Wonder Woman has been out for a while, but I wanted to say my piece about it. So here's my verdict:

You need to go see this movie.

Really though. Whether you like or dislike superhero movies, whether you're familiar or not with Wonder Woman or even DC comics in general, you need to go see this movie. It has a bit of everything: action, romance, humor, drama, joyful moments, and heartbreaking scenes.

This isn't just a movie about the origin of another superhero; it's a movie about war, humanity, and all that it represents.

Wednesday, May 24, 2017

Too Weird or Not Weird Enough: My Problem with Jim Carrey

Hey everyone!

Sorry it's been quite a while since my last post. I don't really have anything to report, so let's dive in!

Based on the title of the post, you can probably guess that I don't really like Jim Carrey. I mean, I'm fine with him as a person and even as an actor; I just don't love his acting style, particularly in his comedies.

Jim Carrey is famous for his over-the-top acting and exaggerated facial expressions, which he uses in a lot of the comedies he's in. And he's been pretty well-received. But for me personally, I found his comedy style to be not that funny and almost too weird. At least, when friends asked me why I didn't like him, that was my answer because it made sense, especially considering I do like his more serious roles. 

But I thought about it and it didn't quite sit well with me. It wasn't that I didn't like zany or over-the-top, weird humor. I do like it. So why didn't I like Jim Carrey? If I like weird, crazy humor, then I should find him hilarious. 

Tuesday, August 30, 2016

5 Modesty Tips for LDS Cosplayers

Hey everyone!

Honestly, my favorite part of this pic is the Mexican Deadpool
I don't know about you guys, but I'm so excited for Salt Lake's Comic-Con in a couple of days! It just gives me another excuse to dress up in fun outfits and check out the other costumes. 

Half the fun of going to events like Comic-Con and movie premieres is dressing up as your favorite characters. Cosplaying has gained quite a bit of popularity in the past few years or so, and we see all types of cosplayers, which is great! (It's also fun to walk around in your outfit and see other people's reactions.)

This pants make me look really short. Well, shorter. 
Unfortunately, we LDS cosplayers tend to have a bit of trouble reconciling our belief in modesty with some of the cosplays we'd like to do. For girls especially, it can be difficult to do cosplay and still be modest in dress. I have noticed that in recent movies, especially the superhero ones, female costuming has gotten a little better (more practical) but I know the struggle all too well of finding a good cosplay without having to give up my values of modesty. Over the past few years, I've found some things to consider, and I've learned some tricks. 

Fair warning: this is addressed mostly to the girl cosplayers (sorry guys), since I have more experience with female cosplay than anything. 

Also, let me be clear that I'm not condemning anybody if they choose to wear a revealing cosplay outfit, whether they're LDS or not. If you feel comfortable doing that, then great! I just know that I'm not comfortable wearing those types of outfits, and it goes against my own values. And I know a lot of girls are in the same boat as me. 

So in honor of Comic-Con, here are my tips to dressing modestly and having fun with cosplay.  

Thursday, August 4, 2016

Why I Love Gravity Falls

Hey everyone!

Yeah, I know, it's been way too long. But I'm back, so let's dive in!

If any of you have been following my Pinterest, you might know about my latest obsession: Gravity Falls! It's a fantastic show that ended in February.

Here's the premise: twins Mabel and Dipper are staying with their Great Uncle Stan (or Grunkle Stan) for the summer at a little town called Gravity Falls. But they soon come across strange, paranormal things in this town, like gnomes, bottomless pits, and the occasional demon.  Now, it's up to the twins to figure out the mysteries behind Gravity Falls.

What I wanted to talk about is what I like so much about this show. Since its creation, Gravity Falls has gained a large following. But I think more people should be watching it, and not enough people know about it. So here are some reasons why I love Gravity Falls!